Chilling in Jaipur

So I’ve had all of yesterday and most of today to just chill out. And honestly there was a part of me that thought I would wake up thinking ‘What am I doing here? Why am I here? Why do I feel so alone? Why am I not enjoying my own sole company?’ But none of these questions are being asked by myself.

I am currently singing songs from ‘Train’ as loud as ever. I’ve been taking advantage of the fact that I’m not having to share my dorm or my bathroom by walking around unclothed and showering with my door wide open.

This morning there wasn’t a shortage of water so I was able to do my classic clothes/body wash. It is as follows:

1) Shampoo hair and wash body

2) Wash out shampoo from hair

3) Condition hair

4) Wash face

5) Use the shampoo to wash your dirty clothes and the conditioner is still in your hair (It’s norm best to leave it in for a few minutes anyway…Why NOT multi-task?)

6) Continue washing out conditioner and rest of body (including the face)

So, having my own room means that all my lovely and clean smalls are filling up my room to dry.

I have also browsed my Hindi translator book with the idea of attempting to pick up the very basics of a new language. Turns out it’s a rather tricky language to get to grips with. But my determination and stubbornness will get me through, even if it means that the locals won’t understand my lame attempts anyway. It’s the trying that counts!