Massive Hypocrite.

Just days before I man informed me that I should just go to Mumbai and get a train up North from there. I should be able to get one easily. The travel agents thought otherwise as they were unable to find an available ticket for me. Though this man was determined that I would be able to. I remember telling him strictly that I was not to go to Mumbai in just hope that I will end up with a ticket, else I’ll still be stuck, just somewhere less beautiful. Pointless!

Now, I have decided to get a train to Chennai in hope to be able to get up North. Anyone hear ‘hypocrite’? Yeah, I do too. But I’m in a rush to get to Patna, Bihar and I don’t have many options left. Plus, I’ve yet to visit Chennai so I might as well hit two birds with one stone.

I have decided that I have a maximum of 7 days to do such a distance by any means of transport in sight. Whether it be a shot of luck and one 3 day train journey or multiple trains, buses, motorcycle rides and casual truck hitchhikiing, I WILL find a way of getting there. Of course my need to travel North so soon isn’t to affect my instinct and therefore safety. Only my sleep and levels of stress and patience should be affected. But my gathered Rupee change should help with purchasing as much Chai as it takes to keep me awake and sooth my mind and soul.
This may seem like a daunting experience as really I have no idea how I plan to travel 30,000 km and really I could end up anywhere. But panic not, I may disappear from all communications but remember that I am a Smith… And this is what we do.