‘Yeah mother… I’m all alone again…Hold on just a second…’

After having been abandoned by my dearest Frenchies, I decided to figure out my next plan over dinner. So I sit myself down and get a drink as I decide to receive a Skype call from my mother. I openly share the fact that it’s rather strange and quite sad to have parted ways with people who I had spent such great time with. Clearly, I am aware that this is a moment which will pass and I will soon be bouncing from place to place as I did previous to meeting them so depressed or worried I was not. Though ironically, as I was explaining this to my mother, an American lad shouted up to my balcony inviting me to dinner with him and his two friends. Having not yet ordered any food, I took him up on his offer, quickly finished my conversation on Skype and hunted down the restaurant to which they were seated.

No matter whether I am travelling with people, meeting people or just being alone, something or someone out there simply won’t allow me to feel lonely; the one emotion that would have been the most likely to come across. I can’t quite work out if it’s pure luck, the situations I happen to get myself into, the fact that I’m outgoing and confident or maybe even the fact that I’m completely happy with who I am that no matter how alone I am I will always be able to enjoy my own company. But whatever it is, it’s working for me. And for that I am thankful as I believe that it would have been the most negative emotion I could have felt during my travels.

I believe that travelling makes it more difficult for you to feel negative emotions as you grow a tougher shell as each day goes by. The more poverty, illness and suffering you see, the less you are able to complain about the simple things in life. Those problems which were once huge and dramatic become minimal inconveniences which you can collect with a dust pan and brush, paint and then throw back into the air like confetti.