Patiently and persistently

As each day passes I can consistently hear the words ‘patiently and persistently’ running trough my head. I’m starting to see the connection between my mind, body and soul. I treat them as three different people, addressing them separately.
Every time my mind would drift from concentration on my breathing to something else I would say to my mind ‘Okay. Dearest mind, you have drifted. I acknowledge this. I accept this. And I love you. Now back to breathing please…’
And this would happen as many times as it was necessary. To start with my mind would be drifting more often than I would blink on an average day. But the more I kindly spoke to my mind, the less it seemed to be able to distract itself.
Sometimes my mind would be saying
Breath in…. And out.
In and out.
In and (Then all of a sudden like mental turrets) PAMELA ANDERSON out.
What?! Where on earth did this Pamela Anderson blurt out come from? There wasn’t the usual train of thought process. I was confused but I would continue.
In and out.
In and out.
In and WOTSITS out.
This mind jumping was something I had to accept. I would stop, take a few moments and say ‘Come on mind, body and soul. We are in this together. Let’s work together.