Indian’s Strongest Man

On many occasions us four would walk past a guy on our walk to the beach. He claimed that he was the strongest man in all of India and was even in the Guinness Book of Records.

One VERY drunken night, three of us were on our way to Curlies (my least favourite of the bars) after a few classic and very strong games of Ring of Fire. (No surprise there then!)

2 minutes on our way we found him at silly o’clock in the morning and we decided that we had the best idea to see how much he could actually carry.

He started by carrying weights with his mouth which was astonishing. That then led to someone questioning whether or not he would be able to carry me with just one arm. We have picture proof that he could do this….Easily! there wasn’t even a struggle at all. It was then a task to lift me above his head to which we all got the idea of achieving such by doing a dirty dancing style jump. With all of us being a tad too drunk than mentally able to think things through logically, we didn’t seem to consider the risks if I were to fall flat onto my face. But we are young and we were having plenty of fun and I seemed determined to be able to fly above his head. Plus, isn’t that what travel insurance is for anyway?

Triple piggy backs continued from this and then the rest is a mystery. Daniel woke up on the floor alone between his room and where we found the strongest man.

I woke up in a bed which wasn’t mine (of course covered in sand) while Dan was sprawled across the other side not covered in sand at all. It was when Daniel grabbed Dan’s hand through the barred window for him to open the door that we all realised that we didn’t know what was or what did happen but that we clearly didn’t get further than 100m that night. The pictures we found on the camera told a very interesting story though. Especially seeing as Daniel was taking most of the pictures of the rest of us. It took a good while to realise that someone else must have been there that night given that there are also pictures of the three of us carrying the strongest man. Who he was, we all have no idea or recollection of it whatsoever. All I do know is that it was hands down, the best night ever!